Rodhos Soft

備忘録を兼ねた技術的なメモです。Rofhos SoftではiOSアプリ開発を中心としてAndroid, Webサービス等の開発を承っております。まずはご相談下さい。



基本AV Foundation for iOS and macOS - Apple Developerのコーナーへ見に行けばよい

sample code


  1. AVLoupe
  2. StitchedStreamPlayer
  3. AVFoundationPiPPlayer: Picture-in-Picture Playback with AVKit
  4. AVReaderWriter: Offline Audio / Video Processing
  5. Using AVAudioEngine for Playback, Mixing and Recording
  6. Real-time Video Processing Using AVPlayerItemVideoOutput
  7. AVFoundationSimplePlayer-iOS: Using AVFoundation to Play Media
  8. AVFoundationQueuePlayer-iOS: Using a Mixture of Local File Based Assets and HTTP Live Streaming Assets with AVFoundation
  9. AVCustomEdit
  10. VideoSnake
  11. AVMetadataRecordPlay: Timed Metadata Capture Recording and Playback
  12. AVPlayerDemo
  13. avTouch
  14. AVMovieExporter
  15. AVSimpleEditoriOS
  16. RosyWriter
  17. AVCam-iOS: Using AVFoundation to Capture Images and Movies
  18. AVCamManual: Extending AVCam to Use Manual Capture API
  19. AVLocationPlayer: Using AVFoundation Metadata Reading
  20. AVFoundation - Timecode Reader/Writer (avtimecodereadwrite)
  21. BracketStripes: Using the Bracketed Capture API
  22. Using AVFoundation APIs to record a movie with location metadata
  23. AVTimedAnnotationWriter: Using Custom Annotation Metadata for Movie Writing and Playback
  24. AVARLDelegateDemo
  25. AVCompositionDebugVieweriOS
  26. MTAudioProcessingTap Audio Processor
  27. SquareCam
  28. GLCameraRipple
  29. StopNGo for iOS
  30. AVCamBarcode: Using AVFoundation to Detect Barcodes and Faces
  31. HLS Catalog: Using AVFoundation to play and persist HTTP Live Streams
  32. AVAutoWait: Using AVFoundation to play HTTP assets with minimal stalls
  33. AVCaptureAudioDataOutput To AudioUnit iOS



  1. About AVFoundation
  2. Exploring AVFoundation
  3. Technical Note TN2310 AVFoundation - Timecode Support with AVAssetWriter and AVAssetReader
  4. Technical Q&A QA1668 Playing media while in the background using AV Foundation on iOS
  5. Technical Q&A QA1772 How to determine whether an AVPlayerItem can be played at rates greater than 1.0
  6. Technical Note TN2288 Example Playlist Files for use with HTTP Live Streaming プレイリストの内容